Caring and Coronavirus
As a carer you may be concerned about how Coronavirus (COVID-19) will impact your health, the health of the person you care for and/or your caring role. We have provided some useful information and guidance below to help you understand the current situation and the support that is available to help you in your caring role.
Public information and guidance around Coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing on a regular basis. We will try to keep all of the information we publish here as accurate and up to date as possible.
Flu & Coronavirus (COVID-19) booster vaccination
Winter vaccination programme
Winter Flu and COVID-19 vaccinations are now available for people who are eligible. It’s strongly recommended you get vaccinated if you’re eligible this winter.
People with a digital preference will receive their vaccine appointment or booking prompt by text and/or email.
Letters will be sent to the address you’ve registered with your GP and will arrive with clear NHS Scotland branding. You should make sure you update your address with your GP, if you move home.
Flu & Coronavirus (COVID-19) booster vaccination
COVID-19 Vaccine information for the BAME Community
Lanarkshire Carers are delighted to have worked in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire, community leaders and members of the local BAME community to support a better understanding of the COVID-19 vaccination and to address concerns about the misinformation targeted at BAME communities via social media.
For further information, please click below.
COVID-19 Vaccine information for the BAME Community
General Guidance for Carers
Follow Core Public Health Advice
A lot of misinformation is circulating about coronavirus. Make sure you follow advice from reputable sources. We suggest checking the following websites regularly as advice and guidance is changing on a regular basis:
Information on COVID-19 is also available in different languages and formats via NHS Inform:
For further information on general guidance for carers, please click below.
Other Useful Resources
UK Guidance for those who provide unpaid care to friends or family
Lanarkshire Carers Centre: Hamilton
Ground Floor Left
Princes Gate
60 Castle Street
Monday - Friday:
9:00am to 4:30pm
Lanarkshire Carers Centre: Airdrie
Airdrie Locality Support Services
92 Hallcraig Street
Monday - Friday:
9:00am to 4:30pm